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NOTES FROM THE ECOMMERCE EXPERTS... Making your online store more profitable |
A message from our CEO, Steve MoenWith so many disparate definitions, does the cloud really have a silver lining?When you Google “the cloud,” more than 1 billion results are revealed. When you ask a group of individuals what the cloud means to them, their answers might be just as varied. For some, the term is nothing more than a catch-all phrase created by marketers trying to generalize any IT activities that aren’t hosted in-house. The cloud can also be as simple as a metaphor for the Internet or any host of platforms that don’t depend on any physicality. For others, it's just a way to stay buzz-word compliant. No matter how you refer to it, the cloud is being implemented in various ways to reduce operational costs associated with in-house servers and the personnel required to manage them. For this newsletter, we’re focusing our cloud conversations around subscription-based services like SaaS or IaaS, which can be leveraged to extend the capabilities of an IT team.
| Introducing BalanceMaxxTo improve your performance on Amazon, eBay, NewEgg, Rakuten (formerly Buy.com) and Sears, BalanceMaxx, a cloud-based subscription service, can convey your order information to reduce labor costs and increase accuracy. To learn more, download the brochure. 
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Creating a successful website requires a strategically driven effort. It also requires a holistic understanding of technology, UI/UX, marketing and analytics. 
As a full-service eCommerce firm, we have the expertise to help you coordinate your website development efforts.
Forward-thinking businesses are moving to the cloud. And it’s what your business should be doing, too. Right? Well, before jumping on the bandwagon, it’s best to understand what it means and if it’s well-suited for your business.

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| The potential revenue that comes with making your products available on sites like Amazon and eBay is great, but that possibility also comes with an additional cache of responsibilities. 