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NOTES FROM THE ECOMMERCE EXPERTS... Making your online store more profitable |
A message from our CEO, Steve MoenDon't delay! Act fast! Time is running out!Phrases like these all take advantage of the same convention: humans are three times more concerned to lose out on something than to gain something. Referred to as loss aversion, smart marketers take advantage of it all the time. But those aren't the only human quirks that marketers make the most of.
| Although consumers may not realize it, they often make purchases because of subconscious tendencies. Seasoned marketers know this, and when you download our infographic, you will, too.
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Creating a successful website requires a strategically driven effort backed by a holistic understanding of technology, UI/UX, marketing and analytics.
As a full-service eCommerce firm, we have the expertise to help you coordinate your website development efforts.
The rule of reciprocity describes a human response to a positive action as one that is equally positive. For marketers, it can come in the form of a free sample or eBook.
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| When shoppers hear the word free, their ears perk up a bit. And believe it or not, their wallets are often prone to open up a little bit more, too.