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Success on Facebook has thwarted some businesses, leaving them with what they consider to be an unacceptable number of likes and worse off, leaving them with a depleted sense of social media self-esteem. What these businesses may be forgetting, however, is that it’s not the quantity of likes that matters; it’s quality that reigns supreme.
Regardless of the quality-over-quantity mantra, businesses still feel compelled to strive toward bigger numbers. And who can blame them?
So, to encourage your Facebook counter to grow, take advantage of the sage advice from Get the Dash, the social media gurus that created the video above. By implementing these approaches, any business should be able to grow their friend-base – in an honest and sincere way.
Tip #1:
Review the businesses that you “like” on Facebook and ask yourself: Why did I like them in the first place?
Is it because you simply wanted to support their social media efforts? Is it because you truly love the brand? Was it because you received a special offer that required a “like” to obtain it?
By asking yourself these questions, you’ll be able to apply the answers to your own Facebook strategy.
Tip #2:
Don’t simply mimic the efforts of others. Inject a little personality.
That approach will resonate with the individuals who have shown interest in your business. It’s important to remember that your “likes” are more than just a number; they’re living, breathing human beings who for one reason or another, want to interact with you and your business.