Advanced site search from SOLR shines a light on available products

- Auto-suggest menus for suggested keywords, categories, brands, site content and search history.
- Auto-suggest lists for keywords.
- Automatic search term suggestions and spelling corrections.
- Search term highlighting.
- Structured and unstructured content in search results.
- Wild card searching.
Solr also functions as an alternative to some search tools that cause a drain on a site’s performance. For high-traffic sites that receive multiple, simultaneous queries, Solr outperforms other search tools because:
- It is faster than using a database, delivering performance gains.
- It can run on servers other than WebSphere Commerce, balancing the workload.
In 2004, when Solr was developed in-house at CNET Networks, its sole function was to deliver the company's website search functionality. Later, it was donated to the Apache Software Foundation, and some time after that, it re-emerged onto the market with new features and improved performance. Finally, in 2010, it merged with Lucene and has become the preferred search tool used not only by high-traffic sites but low-traffic sites with large amounts of content as well.
After years of improvements and growth, Solr is the unmatched advanced site tool used by some of the biggest eCommerce businesses today. Gone are the days of limiting shoppers to broad search terms like “black shoes” or “frying pans.”
To implement Solr search on your site, contact the team at NetSphere Strategies. We’d be happy to shed a little light on how it’s improved sales for our own clients and how it can do the same for you.