August 12, 2013 Written by NetSphere Category: Marketing
Launching a new website (or marketing campaign for an existing website) can be incredibly exciting. Seeing all of your hard work come to life in bright, vivid online colors is definitely deserving of a little pat on the back. And it’s also fitting to let others see the fruits of your labor. Because after all, the website is just the beginning of what could be a long and successful eCommerce endeavor. When it comes to getting your website in front...
July 26, 2013 Written by NetSphere Category: Social Media
From tree trimmers to cupcake makers to steel distributors, businesses are blogging about the issues important in their line of work. They’re establishing an authoritative voice in their respective markets and they’re driving traffic to their websites. Collectively, they’ve adopted the philosophy that blogging equals market exposure. To get the full-blown, positive effects, however, the successful bloggers of the bunch realize that writing can’t be a standalone effort. They understand that there are a few essential assets that go hand-in-hand...
July 05, 2013 Written by NetSphere Category: Social Media
If your small business has been active on social media, we’ll make the assumption that you’ve seen your company grow because of it. Whether it be an increase in orders or an increase in staff to produce content, the time might be right to consider creating a social media policy. Beyond managing the social media activity that takes place on your company’s behalf, it’s wise to have a method in place for handling employees who might abuse their access to...
February 28, 2013 Written by NetSphere Category: Uncategorized
We’ve heard the phrase “content is king” for a while now. And although it supported the blogging efforts of many, it was more of a cliché than anything else. As long as blogs were written (be it low-quality or not), SEO tactics had to be employed to rise in the online rankings. In 2013, however, the cliché is becoming reality. Gone are the days of hack bloggers that are just writing to write and just relying on backlinks and keywords...