Social media – a marketing chameleon

Social media can be very different things to different people. According to a recent study published by International Data Corp., a global marketing intelligence firm, technology buyers consider social media networks as a method to stay on top of current trends and interact with their peers. They don’t, however, consider social media as a means to influence their technology purchases.
In terms of influence, the report, titled the “2012 Buyer Experience Study,” revealed that trade shows and conferences were the heavy hitters with digital events, such as web casts, at a close second.
But that doesn’t mean that there’s no hope for social media marketers trying to get the attention of technology buyers. In fact,, which published the study’s findings, offered up three rules of thumb to remember when attempting to harness the value of social media.
1. Social media is the ultimate eavesdropping tool. Companies get a unique opportunity to listen to what the general public has to say about their products, services and overall organization. So pay attention. You just might learn something.
2. “Prioritize the value that you can bring to your audience,” explains. “Help educate them; help connect them with their peers. These are attributes that they dearly seek versus being sold to by their tech vendors.”
3. It takes money to make money, so keep investing in social media marketing.
So when looking at the big picture, remember that social media is still in its infancy. Growing with it as opposed to scrambling to get on board will always be the desired approach.