May 06, 2015 Written by NetSphere Category: Tech Tools
Rarely a day goes by that we don’t see news of a company, often a major company, getting hacked and their sensitive company data compromised. It serves as a reminder to everyone that security measures deserve constant evaluation. And it makes business leaders ask, “What are we doing to ensure our company and client information isn’t compromised?”Despite that fact that Fortune 500 companies can afford top-notch IT staff who work on security issues – they still get hacked. However, it’s equally...
No doubt, development firms and tech gurus are being inundated with questions surrounding the now infamous Heartbleed bug. According to various sources, more than two-thirds of the active sites on the web could have been affected. Coupled with the Target security breach, businesses and consumers alike are becoming more and more uneasy when it comes to data security. To assuage widespread concerns, bloggers, journalists and reporters are pushing info into the mediasphere with explanations and advice to keep the general public...
June 25, 2013 Written by NetSphere Category: eCommerce
During a recent discussion with one of our clients, the team here at NetSphere Strategies was posed with the following question: How can we make our customers feel more secure when making purchases on our site? When we answered that question by equating the checkout process to a party, our client was a tad surprised. But believe it or not, comparing an online shopping cart to a party isn’t as far-fetched as it might sound. There are plenty of reasons...
April 09, 2013 Written by NetSphere Category: eCommerce
It’s not all that uncommon for a shopper to cruise past an intriguing storefront and think, “I’m going to check them out online when I get home.” In fact, those same consumers might just pull out their smartphone right then and there to bookmark the website. But what happens when they’re a block or two away – or at home later that evening – only to discover that the store doesn’t offer online shopping? As you can imagine, there are...